
In The News

Time to close the ineffective and wasteful KCRHA

Last week King County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announced a proposal to scrap the King County Regional Homelessness Authority’s (KCRHA) Implementation Board, the 13-person committee of “experience in the housing and homelessness fields” which shares responsibility for managing the much-maligned authority. According to the proposal,...

Seattle City Council takes a steady approach to correct past mistakes

A recently released midyear crime report from the Council on Criminal Justice revealed that while murder is down across the U.S. when compared to 2019, Seattle’s homicide rate is 50% higher than it was five years ago. Frustrated Seattle voters, fed up with the mass exodus of police officers...

Executive Constantine stuck in the past

King County Executive Dow Constantine recent battle with Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison over incarceration of criminals is the latest proof that the 15-year incumbent is stubbornly holding onto failed progressive public safety and homelessness policies, which many now blame for making conditions worse. Constantine appears stuck in 2020...

Are we witnessing the “beginning of the end” for KCRHA?

A Seattle Times report reveals that political support for the King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA) continues to erode as such former advocates as King County Executive Dow Constantine, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell, and King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci, are being very cautious about its future. But before we...

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