Change Washington: Using facts to bring common-sense solutions
March 14, 2025
Change Washington is a non-partisan organization dedicated to solving urban problems across the state with a focus on the Seattle/Puget Sound region with proven, data-driven solutions. Unlike the current political leadership, which supports costly ineffective measures, ChangeWA focuses on common-sense answers that have a track record of success.
ChangeWA has partnered with many organizations to point out why policies are failing and to demand cost-effective solutions which end people’s dependency on government. In just a couple of years, ChangeWA has become the leading voice challenging the region’s political establishment with our fact-based reports and surveys have found that more people are agreeing with our approach.
As a supporter of ChangeWA, we wanted to share with you all that has been accomplished together and how we are making a difference. Below is a partial list of activities ChangeWA has recently undertaken. Share this with friends to inform them about our efforts to address problems caused by futile progressive measures.
- Ran exclusive interview with Executive Dow Constantine on homelessness issues
- The King County Executive was unable to estimate how much taxpayer money his budgets have spent on homelessness since his 2015 emergency declaration
- He did not specify any public goal for the much-maligned King County Regional Homelessness Authority that would justify taxpayer funding based on its results.
- City of Burien officials used information contained in the interview to finally settle a long-standing dispute between their city and Executive Constantine
- Co-produced (w/ Ginny Burton) the provoking “Behind Closed Doors” documentary which revealed:
- Unhealthy and violent conditions inside King County’s supportive housing system
- Rampant illegal drug use with no addiction treatment made available by county staff
- Revealed more people die in King County due to homelessness then were placed in stable housing .
- Stressed that homelessness skyrocketed 63.3% in King County since 2015 emergency declaration.
- Revealed that King County’s Housing for Health program (buying former hotels) is costing taxpayers more than $333,000 per unit
- Analyzed how current legislative rent control legislation will increase homelessness
- Interviewed Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier
- His office reviewed homeless solutions from across U.S.
- Adopted a strategy based on Austin’s Community First program with 85% success rate
- Partnered with the Discovery Institute’s
- Promoted study revealing the lack of accountability with organizations who receive public housing funds
- Government regulations are reducing the number of rental units & increasing housing costs
- Highlighted their academic report seeking solutions based on treatment of the individual
- Reported on short media interview of new King County Regional Homelessness Authority CEO
- More lack of accountability the region’s political leadership has as it continues to waste billions of taxpayer dollars with negative results
- Regular reports on the difficulties of the King County Regional Homeless Authority and called for it to be defunded
- Exposed the state’s future commitment to the controversial Housing First policies despite a 77.7% increase in state homelessness during Governor Jay Inslee’s term in office
- Highlighted efforts of three women leading the demand for better solutions to homeless crisis
- Provided in-depth coverage on homeless issues in many local communities outside Seattle such as Spokane, Tacoma, Olympia/Lacy, Burien, Redmond, and Kenmore
- Aggressively promoted the clear difference in public safety policies between the two different slate of candidates in the 2023 Seattle City Council elections
- The general election resulted in a major turnover of political philosophy on the council
- Provided regular statistical updates on how progressive public safety policies
- State & local levels say skyrocketing crime rates
- Promoted corrective measures sought by local leaders
- Criticized Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell’s lack of energy on fixing many of the problems he promised voters he would tackle during his 2021 campaign
- His public safety summit was a waste of time with meaningless audience polls & Harrell repeating stories about playing UW football and his grandkids
- Reported on how citizens were fighting back to correct progressive politicians’ mistakes
- Initiative 2113 to allow reasonable police pursuits to resume
- 2023 elections saw six of the radical Seattle City Councilmembers replaced with more moderate members who campaigned for more police
- Detailed how the drug crisis was impacting nearly everyone in Seattle
- Drain it places on first responders time & resources
- Discourages people from going downtown or riding transit
- Encouraged citizens’ engagement as the Seattle City Council to finally passed drug possession law
- Reported that the “Harm Reduction” drug policy has made the drug crisis worse
- Record number of overdose drug deaths
- Outlined petition from local officials who are seeking more successful solutions
- Even San Francisco’s progressive Mayor Breed has called Harm Reduction a failed policy
- Outlined local leaders seeking a more aggressive plan to help those suffering from drug addiction that includes more involuntary treatment
- ChangeWA led the effort to encourage the 2024 citizen involvement in the budget process as the Seattle City Council debated how to resolve their deficit left behind by the previous irresponsible council. Because the public made their opinions known, the councilmembers stuck to their campaign promises and passed a budget that did not raise taxes.
- Provide analysis of each election and how results will impact the issues we follow.
- Reported how liberal community groups are actively using taxpayer funds to promote their political agenda, including holding protests that close down traffic on the freeway.
- Provided the only voter’s guide on Seattle’s confusing housing initiative.
Due to your active support, ChangeWA is making a clear difference as more people are drawn to our common-sense approach. Polls show that more people are listening and agreeing with our fact-based responses to the region’s serious issues. Please help maintain our momentum by sharing our achievements with others.